
分享近日印制的招财主题“堆金积玉”香氛卡~ 香卡整体设计灵感来自“符”的造型,采用letterpress活版印刷工艺单面双色印制加烫银 “堆金积玉”字样~ 两种工艺相互严套,相辅相成~




Sharing our latest printed fragrance card with a wealth-attracting theme '堆金积玉' (piling gold and accumulating jade)~ The overall design of the fragrance card is inspired by the shape of '符' (a Chinese talisman), using letterpress printing technology to print the '堆金积玉' (piling gold and accumulating jade) wording in two colors on one side, and hot stamping with silver. The two technologies complement each other, forming a perfect combination.


In Chinese culture, '堆金积玉' symbolizes the accumulation of wealth and treasures, representing the arrival of wealth and good luck. This fragrance card also conveys such a meaning, bringing you abundance of wealth and good fortune. It can be used for collection or as a fragrance placed in a wardrobe or drawer, letting your clothes emit a unique scent. Whether as a gift or a collection, it is a card worth having.


今日春分 ,分享为客户@Little Blossom 印制的郁金香与山茶花的香氛挂卡~ 又是一个为了满足颜色设计要求而翻遍纸样的案例:
❷ 红色的山茶花印制在淡粉色的背景上,如同前面提到的淡黄色,这种淡淡颜色的纸张,颜色又好看又适合letterpress工艺的十分匮乏~我们将之前一款一直在用的淡粉色纸张进行裱糊,从而达到了与淡黄色相匹配的厚度~
设计:Little Blossom